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Main Street Niagara Falls

The City of Niagara Falls, through its Urban Renewal Agency, in collaboration with the State of New York, Niagara County, Niagara University, and the Niagara Orleans Regional Land Improvement Corporation has taken control of the following properties on and around the North End of Main Street. This acquisition is part of a concerted effort, comprising the cooperation of all three sectors of the economy, to revitalize the once-vibrant historic commercial district. Public, Private, and Non-profit entities will work to ensure the future development of this district by coalescing around a strategy that will ensure the viability of each individual project, and the accountability of each selected developer. Each project will require a development enforcement mortgage be in place, and will be monitored until completion.

Property Forms

Project Timeline

Main Street FAQ's

Main Street Property Application

Disclaimer - The following documents are meant to be informational only. They may be subject to change based on project specifics:

Sample Purchase Contract

Sample Development Enforcement Mortgage